Truth be told, I was little... embarrassed by Nature Boy. He stood tall and erect (meaning he stood UP RIGHT and nothing else!), his bronze arms outstretched to the sky. It seemed as though he was communing with nature in his... ummmmm... natural state - thus the name- Nature Boy!
It was virtually impossible to go anywhere without catching a glimpse of my bronze friend. After almost two years, I had enough! Did the Irish government have no shame?! A large naked statue on the side of the road!? Really! One would NEVER find such a thing in the States... but never fear! The GREAT American was here (or technically there).
I decided it was my duty! Nay! It was my obligation to protect the innocent eyes of the Irish youth! I did what any self respecting American would do! I went to the store, bought the biggest pair of boxer briefs available and a roll of duck tap!
Dressed in black, under the cover of night, complete with two or three unassuming minors and an accomplice driving the get-away car, I cut the crotch out of the underwear and then cut straight down the back, creating a reverse diaper. We wrapped and ducked taped said diaper around the statue and VOILA! No more naked Naked Nature Boy!
"... for I was naked and you clothed me" ~ Jesus
"... for I was naked and you clothed me" ~ Jesus (and naked nature boy)