You know... I wasn't around in the 60's and even if I was, I am pretty sure I would NOT have burned my bra! The truth is that I love the way it supports, lifts and enhances my life! I also LOVE traditional gender rolls...
Men if you are reading - I will wash the clothes, cook the meals and care for the children (except when they are vomiting). In return, please be prepared to open my door, take out the trash, shovel the snow, mow the lawn... and CARE for the CAR!!!!
Seriously! WHAT is a single girl supposed to do when... The blinkers stop working. The windshield wipers wear out. The tires get run down. The transmission starts to go. The wheel bearings (what the heck is a wheel bearing) have issues. The tail lights get cracked. The exhaust starts to leak. The list could go on and on!
Feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed?
A Single Girls Guide to Car Maintenance is all you need! Four simple steps to complete automotive peace of mind!
1) Make sure you have GAP insurance.
2) Wait for a large hurricane, tropical storm, or even a slight breeze (who knows you might get lucky).
3) Park car under large precarious looking tree!
4) Buy a NEW CAR!
*Sadly, this is NOT my vehicle.
Apparently I am waiting for the tree that will topple with a slight breeze :(
One man (or woman)'s tragedy is an other's triumph!