Today’s disclaimer – Shallow: Party of One
This morning I woke up with a new found confidence in two things. The first being that I am amazing and quite a catch! The second being that my husband may be right around the corner in my life. I have always imagined that I would meet my husband at church or a conference because that is where Christian girls go to meet men…
Today I realized that Christian men aren’t only in church. They are in grocery stores and doctor’s offices and maybe even at Chick-fil-a. So I put on my lip gloss… and smiled at all the men I saw, old, young, attractive & … un! If they didn’t smile back, I kept it moving… CLEARLY it was THEIR loss!
On particular guy caught my eye as I stepped onto an elevator, we smiled and politely nodded at each other with our matching Chick-fil-a bags in hand. This particular elevator was slow moving giving me plenty of time to take him in and think… slightly rumpled suit – that’s okay – it IS hot out today… not a head turner but potentially a really nice guy! I pictured us talking and laughing, going out with friends… generally enjoying life… and then I noticed it… his chin… or should I say lack thereof.
The images in my mind started to morph slightly as I pictured… our chinless children! I couldn’t help but think… Every child deserves a chin!
With another smile and nod, I exited the elevator still certain that my husband could be anywhere… but also certain that he must have a chin!